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Namm 2013
11 17 17
1113-02-2013 23:34:17
1213-02-2013 23:44:08
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1313-02-2013 23:51:22
30 , , , ...
1414-02-2013 01:07:44
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"GS: Can you please give us a detailed overview of what the SCHMIDT will have on board in the final version?
Stefan Schmidt: The fair prototype is functionally already the final version, aside from some modifications to the casing and the software, which still has to be completed.
8 voices with multimode and single outputs
Access to all parameters of controls
Per Voice:
4 analogue oscillators
5 analogue filters:
2 Moog lowpass ladder filters with high pass, band-pass extension
2 dual multimode filters, distortion
1 12dB lowpass filter
Separate modulators (envelopes, LFOs) for filters and oscillators
Stereo panning
Separate master envelope
Filter crossfading function
Controllers: joystick, aftertouch, mod wheel, routable to all parameters
GS: Let us begin with the oscillators. As they are four in number they have quite a bit on offer. How would you characterise them?
Stefan Schmidt: The 4 oscillators differ mainly in their waveforms
Osc1: saw, square, pulse, noise, 4-Pulse, ring modulator
Osc2: saw, square, pulse, noise, ring modulator
Osc3: saw, square, pulse, sync + suboscillator
Osc4: multiple ring modulator, metallic noise
Triangle or sine-like spectra can be generated with a filter (of which there are plenty)."
1514-02-2013 05:36:25
,.. )
1617-07-2016 14:15:07
korg kross ?
1702-10-2024 16:04:12